Dex Aggregator — Hera Finance

Hera Dex Aggregator is a protocol that aims to provide the best swap return by scanning multiple liquidity providers markets. It uses trade splitting and multi-hop features to find the best route.
Sometimes it interacts directly with a single AMM to find the best route, sometimes it operates on multiple AMMs. It creates new paths by dividing it according to the amount of input amount. Each road creates the best route independently of each other. Therefore, the maximum output amount is made. In other words, both maximum income is obtained and a balance is created in the pools.
Hera has an artificial intelligence supported off-chain calculation program that creates routes. Makes 90,000+ account attempts on each query. It finds all liquidity pools and creates routes without over draft scenarios.
It compiles all these routes and approves them in a single transaction. It poses no risk and is fast.
Each liquidity provider AMMs has a certain slippage interval as per their algorithms. The larger the transaction amount, the larger this deviation margin. For this reason, a number different from the one that appears on the swap screen is often transferred to your wallet.
HeraGuard, on the other hand, handles this structure in a completely different way. The exact amount you see on the swap screen is transferred to your wallet. The reason is that the route and amounts found by the Hera algorithm are created by calculating all the details. In other words, it aims at maximum income by considering slippage loss. And therefore unexpected losses do not occur.
This structure has some disadvantages. For example, tokens that contain tax or are deflationary in every transaction cannot be processed on Hera. However, in the future, we will stretch this strict rule and make an alternative “slippage setting” area and leave the decision to the users.
In the current version, Hera Dex Aggregator earns a profit based on the entire transaction amount. Your income is received from the input amount field of the swap transaction and the rate is 0.3%. This rate is currently fixed and is valid for any amount.
However, this can cause problems in giving the best price in small swap transactions. For this reason, we will make some improvements in the coming period. We can receive a fee of 0.1% for transactions below a certain amount, and for transactions above a certain amount, we will determine it with the “Swap Fee Discount” feature that we will specify below.
$HERA is the governance token of Hera Finance and Hera Dex Aggregator. On the way to becoming a wide ecosystem, we have created usage areas for the token. We will continue to increase these over time and provide benefits to token holders.
Our second contract, HeraFeeOrganizer -completed the audit process- will start operating at this point. The working logic will be flexible and changeable. For example, categories will be created that will provide fee discounts at certain levels, and people who meet these criteria will get swap fee discounts according to their levels.
These criteria may vary, such as being a token holder, staking tokens, providing liquidity, or holding an NFT.

Our application earns an income from every swap transaction. These revenues will not be fully donated to the team. It will be funded to grow and develop the ecosystem and token. It will also be sent as a reward to people who use our app and will provide incentives to the stake pool.
Proceeds from transaction fees will be distributed as follows:
• Ecosystem Funds (Treasury) (40%)
• Development & Marketing (20%)
• Buy $HERA & Add LP (15%)
• Rewards Pool (15%)
• Leaderboard (10%)
Our staking and leaderboard feature is not active yet, so these criteria will be processed once updates are complete.
• Our protocol takes into account the center of gravity and force curves while creating the best swap route due to its structure. It makes inquiries in more than one liquidity provider and sets up trade splitting to provide balance. In this way, it provides a “balancer” effect on different prices on different dex platforms and averages the price. It is a blocking factor for many flash swap bots.
• Eliminates the fear of price deviations for users. It makes a difficult process, such as different processes in two different places, the easiest. It takes advantage of time, transaction fees and the number of transactions that will tire the network.
• It is a must-have application for every network it is in and it takes part in preventing unstable movements.
• It prevents the “gap” problem in large transactions and does not experience large shifts in the prices of input/output tokens. This is an important element for the ecosystem.

1. Hera Dex Aggregator, which is still in beta, will be upgraded from v1.1 to v1.2 with the feedback received.
2. As an alternative to HeraGuard, the “slippage setting” feature that allows swapping in deflationary tokens will be integrated.
3. In order to create a token usage area, “Single Staking” will be opened first. In addition, farming pools with $HERA returns will be opened for liquidity providers.
4. Criteria for the swap fee reduction will be determined and a structure will be established that provides an advantage to $HERA token holders.
5. Launch a Governance/DAO protocol to enforce the Community’s decisions. The team will not have a single say in the areas that concern Hera.
6. The revenues obtained will be used within the ecosystem, the rewarding of the people who use the application and incentive activities will be started.
7. We will prepare “Multi Token Aggregator” as a unique feature. It will swap multiple tokens in one transaction.
8. For Hera v2, we will bring all off-chain computing algorithms to peak performance with C, Go, Rust and TypeScript. By run a Metis replica node, we will carry on-chain transaction loads to the network. We will provide improvements in route finding combinations.
9. We will release an SDK that allows developers and project owners to use Hera Dex Aggregator. Every developer will be able to integrate their projects using our SDK for a swap that offers its users fast and best price.
10. We will integrate Curve assisted calculation algorithms. A new structure will be prepared for stable-swap and the slip rate will be minimized.
11. We will begin a critical process to run the Dex aggregator on different L1 / L2 networks. At this stage, a new step will be taken for the crosschain dex aggregator.
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