New Features and Roadmap: Hera V2

Hera Finance
8 min readAug 17, 2022


Hera is the key liquidity aggregator, offering the widest range of tokens and the best route discovery between any token pairs.

We aim to provide the friendliest UX for users and the most powerful tools for developers to allow them to access the best-in-class swap in their application, interface, or on-chain programs.

Hera Aggregator is a project that is constantly being developed and spans the entire crypto ecosystem. By accessing many chains and the liquidity resources within, it can offer swap transactions that provide the maximum return to users.

With its user-friendly interface and advanced features, Hera offers an all-in-one access solution.

Why Hera Aggregator?
Integrate with Hera in order to:

  • Offer best price for swaps
  • Fast, user friendly UX and gas optimization
  • All-in-one access to decentralized finance
  • Ai powered pathfinder and chainfinder
  • Hera Guard feature: Zero slippage swap option
  • Automatically stay up to date with the latest tokens and liquidity sources
  • Make swaps a revenue source by adding your own platform fee to the transaction
  • Set their caching options to make their swap as speedy or as precise they wish to be.

Features on Hera V2:

Hera Guard

Each AMMs has a certain slippage interval as per their algorithms. The larger the transaction amount, the larger this deviation margin. For this reason, a number different from the one that appears on the swap screen is often transferred to your wallet.

  • No Any Slippage
  • All-In Cost Definition
  • No Unexpected Tax
  • Under Hera Protection

Zero slippage feature is optional. Transactions may fail in chains with very fast price volatility. So you can also use slippage options.

HeraGuard, on the other hand, handles this structure in a completely different way. The exact amount you see on the swap screen is transferred to your wallet. The reason is that the route and the amounts found by the Hera algorithm are created by calculating all the details.

In other words, it aims to give the best rate by considering slippage loss, so unexpected losses do not occur. Enjoy zero-slippage swap on Hera Dex Aggregator!

Multichain Compatible

We believe in the power and sustainability of multichain applications. Multichain operation of an application allows it to create more communities and serve more users. Hera Aggregator has been recreated to serve across multiple networks.

How does it work?
Hera Aggregator can be deployed to new networks quickly and flexibly. Smart contracts, front-end and back-end algorithms are integrated into the artificial intelligence module. According to the network requirements, the optimization of the contracts is completed and launched. Let’s take a look at how the process works.

01. Contract Deployment

The structure of the targeted network is examined and finalized by making necessary revisions in the core codes. Core and side-contracts are launch on mainnet.

Each network can have its own characteristics. Therefore, some configurations are required to deploy Hera Aggregator to a new network. This step includes making the necessary preparations for the start.

02. ChainFinder by Hera

ChainFinder algorithm automatically generate tokens, liquidity pools and token lists in the network to be integrated.

Almost every token is used in networks with different contract addresses. In addition, each network has its own tokens. Chainfinder compiles a list by comparing which of these required tokens are, which pools are making the most volume, and their liquidity sizes.

Here we obtain both the list of tokens and the selection of liquidity pools that can be used when finding routes.

03. Pathfinder Update

The necessary data for the network to be integrated is sent to the offchain running pathfinder algorithm. AI powered pathfinder will also find the best price for the new network after the update!

The obtained data is added to the main module of Pathfinder. It provides route finding, trade splitting and optimization options with this update.

04. Ready and Launch!

In the Aggregator interface, necessary updates are completed so that users can use the new network. We are ready to launch!

The last step is to update the application frontend. Smart contracts and offchain algorithms are added to the area where the application will launch.

Integrated Protocols

AI Powered Pathfinder

Hera Aggregator is built on a unique architecture with a pathfinder algorithm. Our unique algorithm’s structure can be developed, re-programmed, and has self-learning capabilities.

Pathfinder Structure:

01. Max Output Equation

A mathematical equation is created to get the maximum output from the integrated liquidity providers. The result of this equation gives the best received amount.

It creates an equation in accordance with the pathfinder route finding structure by controlling all liquidity pools. This equation is not fixed, it changes itself according to the terms and conditions. Therefore, it uses many data types as input.

02. HCA Data Processing

All required data is instantly accessed and converted to High Conversion Argument (HCA). This converted data is sent to the max output equation.

The data needed to solve the equation are provided. It is then finalized using the HCA module powered by artificial intelligence. It is then forwarded to the next step to find the max output figure.

03. Find All Paths

It searches and finds all possible routes between two tokens and filters out unnecessary routes by filtering within certain criteria.

Pathfinder, which is prepared to take a maximum of 5 tokens between the input token and the output token, performs a filtering to reduce the almost infinite number of outputs. It eliminates very low liquidity pools, identifies tokens that can be matched between them, and prepares them to offer a multiple path.

04. Hera Pathfinder: Assemble

All obtained data and formulas are sent to AI powered pathfinder algorithm.

All data is assembled at this stage. After many calculations and formula analysis, it brings together the scattered data and creates the data needed to confirm the swap transaction.

Swap Fee Distribution

Protocol’s revenues from swap transactions are transferred to the Hera Treasury. AI-powered VaultManager handles the distribution of these revenues.

Distribution Planning:

30% — Ecosystem Funding

The treasury of the Hera project helps to develop and maintain the size of the investment. It has a guarantee that covers the entire ecosystem.

Hera Protocol must be an absolute treasure for its survival, and this treasure must be strengthened as much as possible. In this regard, 30% of the income from the protocol earnings is transferred to the treasury to cover possible expenses and expand the Hera project.

20% — Marketing & Development

The expenses required for the healthy operation of the aggregator and auxiliary applications are covered. It also provides the necessary funds for marketing activities.

Hera project provides off-chain services both on the blockchain and on off-chain servers. There is a significant expense in terms of data center and processing capacity. A 20% share is taken from this distribution in order to cover the expenses and introduce it to more people.

Buy-Back and Liquidity Provide
(Rate: 0–50% | Decision Maker: AI Powered VaultManager)

According to the report presented by VaultManager, Hera Tokens are buyback from market. Bought tokens are held in the treasury, added to liquidity or transfer to Staking Portal.

We have programmed a unique artificial intelligence module to reduce the initiative of the team and turn their decisions into a positive direction. By making a detailed analysis about Hera Token, it reports how much buyback should be made to the team and how much it should add to the liquidity. It also instantly examines treasury resources for liquidity. These reports are presented off-chain, buyback and liquidity addition transactions are done on-chain with the VaultManager contract.

Transactions are public on the contract.

Rewards Pool Funding
(Rate: 0–50% | Decision Maker: AI Powered VaultManager)

Funds are provided for staking portal rewards and rewards for app usage. It only trades for certain periods so that the pool can pay out sustainably. These transactions also include buy-back.

According to the VaultManager decision, a determined number of tokens are sent to the Staking Portal to be distributed to users. Protocol revenues and distribution are directly proportional. For this reason, the APR rates of staking and farming pools vary periodically.

Periods of Distribution
(Decision Maker: AI Powered VaultManager)

Just like the distribution percentages, the artificial intelligence algorithm decides when the distribution will be made. Performs market analysis, checks token price and liquidities, monitors volumes and examines funds in the treasury; After all this, it sends a report to the team to take action.

Utility Token

Hera Token is the governance token of Hera ecosystem. Asides from voting, the token is used in many other areas in the ecosystem.

Utility Areas:

01. Buy-Back Progress

In certain periods, Hera Tokens are purchased from the market at the rate determined by the platform revenues and VaultManager. That’s used to add a liquidity on AMMs and exchanges, transfer to the market-maker wallet or sent to Staking Portal as a reward.

02. Stake and Earn

More Hera Tokens can be earned by staking your tokens or LP tokens. These rewards are funded by protocol revenues. Therefore, APY rates are variable.

Staking & Farming Portal — Hera Finance

03. Swap Fee Reduce (soon)

Aggregator platform charges a fee for swap transactions. Current rate is 0.3% from input token. For people who stake Hera Token, swap fee rate decreases gradually according to the stake amount.

04. Hera DAO & Governance (soon)

A proposal is submitted to the community to make decisions concerning the platform. Hera Token holders have voting rights. Studies on a fair management structure continue.


Blockchain is a living construct, so staying up to date is crucial.

The roadmap is constantly updated in terms of the development of the project. We recommend that you visit this page frequently to keep track of changes.

Q3 / 2022

  • Core: RPC Model Upgrade
  • Live: New Website and Docs
  • Launch: Hera Aggregator v2 on Metis
  • Upgrade: AI Powered Pathfinder
  • Launch: Multichain Compatible (Avalanche & Fantom & Aurora & Cronos)
  • Core: AI Powered VaultManager
  • Core: New AMM Integrations

Q4 / 2022

  • Staking Portal: Farming
  • New: Aggregator Leaderboard
  • New: Hera Analytics Portal
  • Hera: Governance & DAO
  • Core: SDK for Hera Dex Aggregator
  • Core: New Chains & AMMs

Q1-Q2 / 2023

  • Features: Live Stats for Aggregator
  • Launch: Hera Dashboard | Multichain
  • Dex Aggregator: Multi Token Swap & Aggregator
  • Features: Yield Optimizer on Dashboard
  • Core: Limit Order on Hera Aggregator
  • Core: PMM Integrations



Hera Finance
Hera Finance

Written by Hera Finance

Hera is an AI powered multichain dex aggregator, offering the widest range of tokens and best route discovery between any token pair.

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